
PSS Etching Using Innovative Plasma Processing Technology

PSS Etching webinar recording

The aggressive drive for improved Cost of Ownership within the LED industry has driven the innovation within Oxford Instruments plasma technology. Optimised plasma processing offers many ways to improve device output and reduce manufacturing costs, a double windfall.

LED manufacture requires critical plasma etch steps (patterned sapphire substrates (PSS), and GaN etch) and deposition steps for passivation, current blocking and mask creation, these are performed by an increasing variety of techniques for example Plasma Enhanced Chemical Deposition (PECVD).

This presentation describes the approaches taken to increasing productivity in these processes, both by increasing the process rates and by increasing the number of wafers processed simultaneously.

Presenter: Dr Mark Dineen, Product Manager: Optoelectronics (English)

Dr Mark Dineen graduated from Cardiff University with a PhD on plasma etching of Gallium Nitride and started with Oxford Instruments in 2000. Working on etching of III-V materials then focusing on Gallium Nitride, Sapphire and HBLED related materials he has a wealth of experience related to Optoelectronics device manufacturing.

This webinar was also presented in Chinese by Dr Young Huang. View the Chinese version

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Dr Mark Dineen 
Product Manager: Optoelectronics

Dr Young Huang
Field and Lab Applications Manager